Thursday, 27 July 2017


Muamalah Islam jelas menekankan konsep Jual Beli perlu mengikut Syariah kerana perkara ini telah diceritakan dalam Al-Quran di surah al-Baqarah yang berbunyi maksudnya "Allah menghalalkan Jual Beli dan mengharamkan Riba". Melalui urusan Jual Beli ini Islam telah menetapkan rukun Jual Beli bagi sebarang urusniaga agar ia selaras dengan kehendak Syariah. Rukun-rukun tersebut ialah :

1. Penjual
2. Pembeli
3. Barang Yang di jual beli
4. Tawaran
5. Penerimaan

Setiap rukun ini pula mempunyai syarat-syaratnya tersendiri. Sila rujuk buku Fiqh Waadilatuh-Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. Bagi rukun Barang yang dijual beli mestilah wujud semasa berlaku pertukaran dan ia mestilah barang yang sah serta pemilikan adalah sempurna.

FOREX atau lebih dikenali sebagai Pertukaran Wang Asing merupakan satu keperluan masa kini kerana dua tanpa sempadan memerlukan sesebuah negara berdagang (komoditi) dengan negara lain. Maka akan wujudlan istilah FOREX. Begitu juga dengan seserang yang belajar atau pergi melancong keluar negara perlu menukar wang asing untuk memudahkan urusan nanti. Contoh Ali menukar RM10,000= USD4000 untuk pergi ke US selama 5 hari. sekembalinya Ali ke tanah air selepas 5 hari wang beliau dalam bentuk USD masih berbaki USD1000. Isu:
1. jika Ali dalam tempoh tidak lebih 3 hari pergi ke kedai Money Changer dan menukar baki duit USD tadi dan mendapati beliau mendapat sedikit untuk daripada pertukaran tadi, maka ia dibenarkan kerana bukan niatnya untuk memanipulasi mata wang atas dasar perbezaan harga.
2. jika Ali dalam tempoh lebih 3 hari masih tidak pergi ke kedai Money Changer untuk menukar baki duit USD tadi kerana nilai semasa RM masih tinggi. Beliau nekad hanya akan menukar wang USD tadi sekiranya nilai RM jatuh berbanding USD kerana beliau akan mendapat untung daripada pertukaran tadi, maka ia HARAM dan tidak dibenarkan kerana  niatnya untuk memanipulasi mata wang atas dasar perbezaan harga.

Dalam Islam, wang tidak boleh mencipta wang sebaliknya wang merupakan alat pertukaran atau alat untuk mendapatkan komoditi.

Namun akhir-akhir ini ramai orang termasuk yang berlatarbelakangkan agama sanggup terlibat dalam FOREX TRADING kerana ia sangat menguntungkan. Walhal di dalam FOREX TRADING tadi terdapat banyak perkara yang bercanggah dengan muamalat Islam antaranya;
a. perbezaaan harga jual beli matawang akan menyebabkan wujud unsur riba
b. tiada komoditi yang dijual beli sebaliknya hanya wang diniagakan
c. berlakunya proses penangguhan bayaran jual beli mata wang menyebabkan wujudnya riba
d. wujudnya unsur diskriminasi satu pihak ke atas pihak lain
e. membuka ruang kepada para konvensional untuk spekulasi mata wang
f. lain-lain

Kewujudan Money Changer adalah harus untuk memberi servis pertukaran wang asing bagi kemudahan orang ramai melakukan perjalanan ataupun urusan ke luar negara. Maka kewujudan Money Changer ini dianggap sebagai maslahah (public interest) dalam sesebuah masyarakat atau penempatan untuk kemudahan orang ramai.

FOREX dan Saham adalah dua benda yang berbeza di mana di dalam Saham ada yang patuh Syariah dan ada yang tidak patuh Syariah. Berbanding FOREX TRADING tidak ada yang patuh syariah.

p/s; elak diri daripada menjadi agen SPEKULATOR MATA WANG kerana itu adalah agenda KAPITALIS sedangkan agenda EKONOMI ISLAM adalah memperjuangkan KEADILAN DAN KESAKSAMAAN SEJAGAT melalui kaedah EKONOMI KEBAJIKAN.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Al Qawaid Al Fiqhiyyah ( 5 LEGAL MAXIMS)

  • Al-Umur Bi Maqasidiha  (Acts are judged by the intentions behind it) 
  • Al-Yaqin La Yazulu Bi Asy-Syak  (Certainty is not overruled by Doubt) 
  • šAl-Masyaqqah Tajlibu At-Taisir   (Hardship begets facility) 
  • La darara wa la dirar  (Harm shall not be inflicted nor reciprocated) 
  • Al-Adah Al-Muhakkamah  (Custom is the basis of judgement)


Wednesday, 5 July 2017


Islamic theology is also known as (i) Ilm al-Usul (the science of basic principles of Islam) and 
(ii) Ilm At-Tawhid (the science of affirming the Unity of Allah -SWT). 
Some people also call it Ilm al-Kalam (the Science of Debate). 

The meaning of Arabic word ‘Kalam’ is ‘speech’, but in Islamic theology, it means 'discussion', 'argument' or 'debate' on Correct Islamic Faith.


Islamic Theology is abundantly explained in the Hadith of Ihsan. It is in Hadith reported by Bukhari, Muslim and others. It is a long Hadith, therefore only the translation of a part is provided here.

It is narrated by Abu Huraira (RU) that one day the Messenger of Allah (SWT) was sitting with his companions and a stranger, in spotless white dress, came to him and sat in front of him like a pupil, and asked him, O’ Prophet (SAWS), tell me what is Iman? The Prophet (SAWS) replied that ‘it is the affirmation of your faith in Allah (SWT), His angels, His books, His meeting (on the Day of Judgment), His messengers, and that you affirm your faith in Resurrection’. The stranger testified it, and asked again, O’ Prophet (SAWS) what is Islam? The Prophet (SAWS) replied that ‘Islam signifies that you worship Allah (SWT) and do not associate anything with Him and you establish Obligatory Salah, and you pay the obligatory Zakah and you observe the fast of Ramadhan’. The stranger testified it, and asked again, O’ Prophet (SAWS) what is Ihsan? The Prophet (SAWS) replied that ‘ you worship Allah (SWT) seeing Him, and in case you fail to see Him, do your prayer knowing fully well that He is seeing you. The stranger testified and asked about the signs of Resurrection to which the Prophet (SAWS) replied in detail and later the stranger left quietly. The Prophet (SAWS) asked his companions to go and look for the stranger and bring him back. When the companions did not find him, the Prophet (SAWS) asked his companions who he was? The companions showed ignorance about his identity. Then, the Prophet (SAWS) himself replied saying “he was Jibreel (AS) who had come to teach you your religion”.

From this Hadith, following three important states of Muslims are described, (i) Iman – Islamic faith, (ii) Islam – Islamic deeds, and (iii) Ihsan – Visualization of Allah (SWT).

The aspects of Iman and Ihsan are studied under Islamic Theology. The aspect of Islam is studied under Islamic Jurisprudence. This shows the importance of Islamic theology over Islamic Jurisprudence.

What is cleansing and purification of hearts ( tazkia nafs )?

It is turning people’s attention away from the darkness of materialism to the light of Islam. What is light of Islam? It is people’s training in (i) sincerity of heart (Ikhlas), (ii) wisdom (Hikmah) of actions, and (iii) Islamic vision. What is Islamic vision? As per the Hadith of Ihsan, (Bukhari wo Muslim) people are commanded to see Allah (SWT) while doing Obligatory Salah. Can anyone visualize Allah’s (SWT) presence when his heart is covered with materialistic darkness? No, you need Islamic light. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) trained his companions to see in Islamic light. Once you get Islamic vision you become stead fast in faith and you perform good deeds visualizing Allah’s (SWT) presence.

A person who does not have truthful beliefs in Islamic Faith (Iman) will not be treated as Muslim on the Day of Judgment. This is the reason, Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) said that out of 73 sects of Muslims, only one will be on the right path (Tirmizi). It is an irony that all these sects/sub groups claim they are on the right path. How could this be true? Muslims belonging to all sects should take note of it. They need to wake up fast from their deep slumber. The factual situation is horrendous. If we divide Muslim population in the world today, by 73, we come to know that out of 1000 people who claim themselves Muslims, only 4 could be on the right path. Who are these 4 people. As we have explained above, they are real Sufi Shaikhs of Ihsan. The rest 996 face the imminent danger of being thrown into hell fire on the Day of Judgment.

If you have rightful Islamic belief, you stand a chance to get salvation though you may be required to pay for your bad deeds.

If you have rightful belief plus good deeds, you will get rewards in Hereafter.

If your faith is not correct and your Islamic deeds are good, you will be thrown into hell fire because good deeds without Correct Islamic Faith will not help you in your salvation.

If your Iman is good and you are doing good deeds seeing Allah (SWT) (as per the Hadith of Ihsan), you become Allah’s (SWT) favorites who are referred to as ‘Awliya Allah’ in Quran and Sufis in the world.


What is the difference between the (i) study of Quran, (ii) study of Hadith, (iii) Study of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and (iv) Study of Islamic Theology?

Study of Quran and Hadith is common for all Muslims. But deducing Fiqh rules from these sources is the work of Doctors of Islamic Jurisprudence. Islamic Ummah has consensus opinion that the 4 Islamic School of thoughts (i) Hanafi, (ii) Maliki, (iii) Shafi’i, and (iv) Hanbali are the valid schools of thought who have deduced Islamic laws from Quran and Sunnah.

Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) deals with Islamic Laws, while Islamic Theology or Islamic Wisdom deals with beliefs associated with the Islamic faith.

The Jurisprudential rules are made to accommodate the entire community. Like we are required to pay in charity 2.5 per cent of our wealth as Zakah every year. This is rule.
But look at the practical example, Prophet (SAWS) has presented to Muslims. He never kept anything for himsel or f or his family that could make him eligible to pay Zakah as per Islamic laws. He used to give everything in alms and charity and many a times he did not have food for his house hold.
This act of Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) is the act of Ihsan. History of Islam shows that real Sufis or the Shaikhs of Ihsan never kept anything for them or their families. They lived the life of simplicity. They are practicing people of Ihsan.
They are the real elevated followers of Prophet’s (SAWS) traditions.

There are many facets of Prophet Mohammad’s (SAWS) life which are left untouched in Islamic Jurisprudential laws. These are covered under Islamic Theology. Similarly, details of some exceptional deeds have to be deduced from Prophet's (SAWS) life.  Like, a Muslim is required to do 5 times Salah in a day. This is an Islamic obligation for every Muslim. The law says, you will be Muslim if you do 5 times Salah per day. The law does not force people to do more than that.
But if you want to follow the rules of Ihsan and be a better Muslim, how many more Salahs you should do? The law is silent on this.
This issue is answered in Islamic Theology. Theology guides you how many more Salah Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) and his companions used to do beyond the minimum 5 times a day.

The study of Islamic Theology not only makes us a better Muslim, but it also helps us in becoming a Correct Muslim. As a matter of fact Islamic rules of Fiqh can only be understood correctly when we study Islamic Theology.


‘To know the facts of things, as they are, in the light of Quran and Sunnah, is Islamic theology’. In other words, Islamic theology is ‘Islamic Wisdom’.

Those who engage in discussions of Islamic faith, about Allah's (SWT) Unity and His attributes are known as ‘Islamic Theologians’ (Mutakallimun).
Who is Islamic Theologian (Scholar) ?
An Islamic scholar who impedes the assaults on Islamic beliefs and explains Correct Islamic Faith to the people with conclusive evidence from Quran and Hadith and exposes the ill gotten ‘ideas’ of Non-Muslim philosophers and some Muslim sects who mislead people in the name of religion. The main opponents of Islamic theologian are Non-Muslim philosophers and some misguided Muslim sects.

When the human body gets sick, it starts deteriorating fast. Gradually many complication occur in the functioning of vital internal organs that results in the death of the person.
When we are sick, we refer to medical doctors, sometimes to specialists who conducts several medical tests and as per their experience suggest medicines and controlled food which helps us in fast recovery.

Human being is the combination of Human body and human soul. Like the human body, human soul also gets sick. The primary sources of sickness of human soul are faithlessness in Allah (SWT) and bad deeds. When human soul is sick, we need to first diagnose the problem of sickness by referring to the Doctor of Soul.

Faithlessness in Allah (SWT) is like cancer of Human soul. Tyranny, killing of human beings in the name of religion, caste, region; disregard for the fundamental rights of other human beings; love of more wealth, unnecessary comforts, lust, exploitation of women and men and all unlawful activities are sicknesses of human soul. People suffering from these ailments need treatment.
Who can treat human soul’s ailments. A Quran conner (who has memorized Quran) cannot do anything.

A Hadith Scholar cannot do much in this context.
An Islamic Jurisprudential expert (Faqih) cannot do much. What a Faqih can do? At the most, he may order for the arrest of the criminal (if he is a judge) and punish him as per the law. 

Similarly, a scholar of Quran or Hadith can only advise the ailing person and try to explain issues in the light of Quran and Hadith. 

We all know that giving sermons to the people who are spiritually sick generally does not work. If we give a virtuous sermon to a serial killer, we know what effect it will have on him. A fraudulent faith healer or a look alike Sufi baba cheater complicates the ailment further.

Who are the professional doctors who can really make the difference and bring back the ailing soul to normalcy?
They are Awliya Allah.